Translating your website depends primarily on your activities, services, products and target markets. If your goal is a global promotion or if you are seeking new markets into which you can expand your business, it is certainly worth considering those where they speak the following languages. These are the most widespread “business” choices in the world.
1. English
Of course! English is considered to be a de facto official language of the business world, uniting companies, consumers and other stakeholders around the globe. English is spoken as a mother tongue in almost 100 countries, with some 400 million speakers and also at least a billion Internet users. We don’t even need to mention the numerous international economic organizations that function in English…
2. Chinese
The Chinese languages are spoken by almost one in six people on the planet. This alone is a good enough reason to consider translating your content into the languages spoken in the region. Moreover, China is not only interesting because of its large market, but also because of its impressive economic growth. Many Chinese companies are global multinational corporations, with incomes measured in billions of euros, partnering with companies around the world. Naturally, these include EU ones.
3. Spanish
Followed closely by Chinese mandarin, Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the world, with over 400 million native speakers, so its markets are particularly extensive and it offers a place for thousands of companies. Perhaps yours as well…
4. Arabic
The economy in the Arabian region is booming. If this alone is not convincing enough, you may be impressed by the fact that Arabic is spoken in some 30 countries with over 300 million potential consumers. Yet it is also true that the culture gap between the European and Arabic worlds is quite wide, so you need to be particularly careful and meticulous with such translations.
5. German
Did you know that German is the fourth most commonly used language on the Internet? Furthermore, the geographical proximity of the German-speaking market represents a wonderful business opportunity for all ambitious companies.
6. Russian
Russian is the eighth most widespread language in the world and the second most widespread language on the Internet, second only to English. An increasingly large number of Russian businessmen in the last decades have indicated an interest in doing business in our market, so many companies are competing to “catch” the Russian speaking investors first.
7. Hindi
Hindi is a language spoken in India. In addition to its extensive market, India also boasts a burgeoning economy, one which is expanding into European countries. It is therefore a great opportunity to conquer the Indian market with your ideas. Or to spread the ideas of the Indian market in your home business environment.